
Introducing the Pension

강화도 해뜨는집 펜션을 찾아주셔서 감사합니다
강화도의 멋진 일몰과 풍경을 마음껏 즐기고
아름다운 추억을 만드시기 바랍니다.

about us


행복한 여행 자연속 힐링 펜션

도심을 벗어난 자유로운 여가

In the unspoiled natural environment of Cheongpung Lake, you can fully relax all your senses and enjoy free leisure.

자연속의 힐링하우스

In the unspoiled natural environment of Cheongpung Lake, you can fully relax all your senses and enjoy free leisure.

사랑하는 연인과 함께하는 소중한 추억

In the unspoiled natural environment of Cheongpung Lake, you can fully relax all your senses and enjoy free leisure.

여행의 편안한 휴식공간

자연속의 프라이빗한 휴식

In the unspoiled natural environment of Cheongpung Lake, you can fully relax all your senses and enjoy free leisure.

밤하늘의 별과 함께하는 낭만의 시간

In the unspoiled natural environment of Cheongpung Lake, you can fully relax all your senses and enjoy free leisure.

강화도의 멋진 일몰과 풍경

In the unspoiled natural environment of Cheongpung Lake, you can fully relax all your senses and enjoy free leisure.







유형별 템플릿